The Pressure-compensating Anti-leakage NGE®AL Dripper is ideal for the irrigation of potted plants and for any other application which requires a precise and accurate irrigation.
Each dripper provides precise delivery while its anti-leakage device eliminates the possibility of drips when the system is closed.


The dripper and the self-compensating membrane design allow:
• The opening of the dripper when the pressure of 0.9 bar is reached. As a consequence, the start-up time of the system is reduced to a minimum and the uniformity of emission is maximum.
• Self-cleaning during plant operation.
• The drippers close at pressure values between 0.24 and 0.34 bar depending on the flow rate. This avoids the drainage of the system, allowing short irrigation cycles to be carried out efficiently.
• The closure of the dripper when the system stops avoids problems of occlusion due to the siphon effect.
• The inlet filter with semi-round section and the labyrinth with a large cross section guarantee a high resistance to clogging.
• Coefficient of Variation CV≤3%.
• Available with Male Adapter (-MA) for single or double output Spider.
• Compliant with ISO 9261:2004 standard


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